Jordan Espejo's portfolio

5+ years of experience in software engineering, implementing custom and open source software for transportation logistics. Below is a list of some projects I have worked on.

Working at San Joaquin RTD was my first foray into a job that required programming skills.

OneBusAway - San Joaquin RTD

OneBusAway is an open source Java application that comes with a rich api for finding scheduled and realtime bus arrivals and departures. Formerly hosted at

Interactive timetable / Active buses

Internal application to find which buses are currently running. What the next stop is for the buses currently enroute based on scheduled data

GTFS/GTFS-RT maintenance and tools

Audited RTD's public Google standard dataset. Automated fixing errors through scripts in static and realtime data. Enabled realtime information for Google Maps transit trip planning. Created a tool to automatically generate pole mounted timetable displays.

Text Bus

Maintenace of Text Bus for San Joaquin RTD. Users can send a text code found at a bus stop to see when the next buses will arrive. Created visualizations to analyze which bus stops riders frequently inquire about.

Digital Signage for Internal/External Communications

Implemented digital signage CRM for external and internal communications. Work with vendors to setup displays at the Downtown Transit Center and the Hammer Triangle Station.

Intercom Annoucements Scheduling

Used a raspberry pi to host and schedule audio files, and play public announcements throughout the Downtown Transit Center.

Self Service Transit Information Kiosk

Installed custom kiosk software for customers seeking general information about transit routes that allows priting of route schedules.

Location based chat app - 3rd place winner at Valley Hackathon

Created a location based chat app in an 8-hour hackathon and placed 3rd. The app combines the Google maps api and api to gather locations nearby you and turn them into realtime slack style chatrooms.